Delayed Acceleration and Gear Shifting Issues!


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My mom’s 2012 Suzuki Swift is giving us attitude. It’s all sluggish when accelerating - especially when it’s warmed up. Additionally, there's a noticeable delay and jolt when shifting from Park to Reverse.

I swapped out the transmission fluid recently, but yeah, I skipped the filter. Could a clogged filter be causing these issues? Or maybe my mechanic’s right, and it’s a clutch slip?

Anyone else had their Swift act like this? Any advice?
Hey, the delayed shifting and sluggish acceleration might be caused by a slipping clutch or a clogged transmission filter. Even though the oil looked clean, not changing the filter can still cause problems.

Replacing it might help! If the issues persist, it could mean there's a bigger problem with the transmission.
A clogged filter could definitely cause sluggish acceleration and shifting issues, especially if it's restricting fluid flow. It’s worth replacing. Clutch slip is also a possibility, though.
I’d say your mechanic is right!

Sluggish acceleration and shifting problems usually point to a clutch issue. Since they mentioned a clutch slip, that’s probably what's going on.

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