Search results

  1. N

    Is it possible to have a custom display?

    The 2022 Swift’s display isn’t the most customizable. Unfortunately, it cycles through preset screens, and you can’t combine speed, DTE, and fuel economy on one screen. Your best bet is to manually cycle through the info using the INFO/DISP button on the steering wheel or dashboard stalk. I...
  2. N

    Suzuki Japan headquarters

    Go to a different dealership and ask them to contact Suzuki Japan.
  3. N

    My Swift idles low when in reverse or drive

    Hello everyone. I had to replace the spark plugs, valve cover gasket, filters, and throttle body on my car. After that, the car starts and idles fine in park (around 800 rpm). However, in drive, the revs drop to around 400-500 rpm, and it vibrates. When the AC is on, the revs go up to 800 rpm...

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